Sunday, 5 February 2012

First days in Vancouver – Stanley Park

Arrived in Vancouver after a heavy week of goodbyes in TO, Chicago and Vegas, we were greeted by Vancouver with glorious sunshine. As soon as you step outside you notice how fresh the air is and then you see the mountains. Bam. What a sight and all around you.

Vancouver 001

Vancouver 004

We took a walk around Stanley Park an evergreen oasis of 400 hectares (1,000 acres) close to downtown Vancouver with a 9km seawall walk which starts by the harbour.

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With great views of the city skyline.

Vancouver 010

The view is just amazing and the clouds form in great shapes even under the bridge.

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For the second half of the walk was the most stunning sunset. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves…

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Vancouver 026 

Hello Vancouver! 


  1. Ah it's such an awesome city - amazing location! How's the weather?

    1. Its either been pouring or sun shining! I quite like both so I'm happy with that... it's quite like England really - weather wise. WE haven't been to that cafe yet, we passed it on the bus on Sunday so we'll check it out.
