Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Fatburger - the last great hamburger stand!

The first time we visited Vegas, we had a Fat Burger. I think you might remember this picture:

ooh what a blondie! 

I’m not sure if any of you remember me going on about these burgers from Fatburger with sizes that went up to 24Oz – yes 24OZ of beef?!

So this time when we headed to Vegas on our route to Vancouver it was on our list of places to visit. We walked all the way up the strip from the Flamingo to be faced with this rather disturbing site:


Noooooo!!!! Why God why??!!!

We were terribly upset to say the least. 

After looking on their website to see if there was another Fatburger in Vegas we could visit we realized… Vancouver. 
They have not one, no not even two, but three, yes three in Vancouver.

So what started off as a very saddening revelation of not getting our Vegas treat, we had at least six months of the ability to eat Fatburger when we chose. Hoo bloomin’ ray!

So what makes Fatburger so special. OK apart from the fact that you are able to get a burger that is 24OZ, hamburger people are said to develop a cult-like devotion to Fatburger. 

Well I can tell you it’s true. Devotion. 

Fatburgers are made with real beef burgers made when you order it with FRESH, LEAN BEEF; dressed to your specifications with the best quality condiments.

We were slightly worried that after nearly two years of eating a Fatburger we may have built this amazing taste sensation up in our heads. Especially now as we have had tasted some pretty awesome burgers since living in North America. Would it stand up to what we we remembered it to be?

Dum dum duuuum…

We headed to the Fatburger on West Broadway. It was a lot smaller than what we had expected. But still we shuffled in and ordered.

Dave ordered a Bacon and Cheese and I chose the California burger.

We were given our number, filled up our drink container with root beer (we have both become slightly obsessed with root beer) and we waited. 

Burgers were coming out and we were salivating. Finally our number came.

Well tell me what you think, I think these pictures show their glory…

The California Burger, with lashings of guacamole, maple bacon and cheese.

Dave's bacon and cheese with homestyle fries.
Sorry the lettuce got in the way a bit but Dave wouldn't let me take any more pictures as he needed to bite it.

Ahhh. I don't know why we were worried. Fatburger lived up to what we had remembered. 


Next time though, I will be attempting the 24oz burger (I heard you get a Tshirt).

Next time.